Posting your open postings on Las Vegas' most searched job site is only $149.00 for 30 days.
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From 3 to unlimited monthly job postings, we have a package to fit your company's needs.
If you have been in Las Vegas for any amount of time, you know that nobody does Job Fairs like
We consistently break all attendance records and always have the best mix of participating local companies. If you want to meet face to face with 1,000's of local job seekers, you need to be at our next job fair.
Want to hold your own Recruitment Event or Open House?
Las Vegas Jobs can drive more candidates to your own event at a lower cost than if you did it alone…
When you absolutely, positively need them fast; we me mean FAST…
If you're on a mission to staff up quickly or need to fill an important position and want to review the most possible candidates in the shortest time, this is the service you have been looking for.
SHOWCASE your company
By using BANNER ADS, HOT LINKS & SPONSORSHIPS place on Southern Nevada's number 1 job site. Your company will stand above the rest.
"Great attendance, variety of companies and a large mix of candidates"
Debbie, Ameriprise Financial
"Las Vegas Jobs has been very helpful to our special needs., It is always a pleasure to do our recruiting here."
Johanna, TSA
"The turnout was excellent, Well worth the time and money, We will be at your job fairs again."
Bill, Holiday Systems
"Very well attended, good quality applicants."
Patricia, Renaissance Las Vegas
"This was our first Job Fair and it was a great experience we met 73 potential candidates and plan on hiring 10-15 people."
Tracy, Gail & Rice