Mohave County was formed in 1864 as one of the four original counties of the
ew Arizona Territory. A three-member Board of Supervisors, elected by
istrict on a partisan basis for a four-year term, governs the County. A
hairman of the Board is selected annually by the Supervisors. The Board
ppoints the County Manager who is responsible for the overall management
nd administration of County operations. In addition to the Board of
upervisors, the Assessor, Attorney, Clerk of the Superior Court, Recorder,
chool Superintendent, Sheriff, Treasurer, five Constables, five Justices of the
eace and six Superior Court Judges are all elected. The County Manager,
ith confirmation by the Board of Supervisors, appoints the following Directors:
lerk of the Board of Supervisors, Community Development, Elections,
inancial Services, Health & Social Services, Human Resources, Information
echnology, Legal Defender, Library, Planning & Zoning, Public Defender and
ublic Works.