Company Profile

Company Info

Las Vegas, NV, United States

Phone: 415-456-2532
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Company Description:

TMI helps people improve their effectiveness by heightening their personal and team performance. We inspire people to contribute to the organization's quality through improving their internal and external relationships. TMI has devised a range of results-driven training programs and tools that help people effect change in their organization through attitudes, practice and performance. TMI's programs produce bottom-line results. Customers receive better service . . . profits improve . . . people do the "right things". . . wasted resources decline . . . and, individuals become more effective and get more done each day. TMI's programs and services provide realistic ways to manage daily events and help organizations master the challenge of change. TMI's Account Management and Consulting staff work with organizations to develop tailored solutions for critical issues. TMI offers programs and services worldwide, customized for specific cultures and languages.

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