Company Profile

Company Info
Brown Communications

Albuquerque, NV, United States

Phone: (866) 886-7871
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Company Description:

Brown Communications is committed to providing high-level applications and solutions to a changing business environment. Company Overview: Kenneth Brown founded Brown Communications in 1997. The company originally started out as a campus Cable Television and Internet Service Provider. With the emergence of affordable high speed Internet service, the focus of the company changed to include high-level applications to an increasingly demanding customer base. Brown Communications offers functionality and improved efficiency to a vastly diverse business market. Whether on or offsite, managed or turnkey there's a solution to fit your organization. Employees and Partners: Brown Communications has a wide array of personnel resources raging from Equipment Installers to Marketing Representatives. Partners include local and international Internet Service and Telecommunications providers, Cabling Contractors, Software Developers, and well known equipment providers. Certifications have been obtained through many of the most widely used products.

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